Lilith the Will of Demon: Battle of Jalavia (v1.1) Masteries Edition



Hello great warriors

The forces of the evil ignited the grounds of Jalavia. The demons armies are slaughtering women and men without pity.
I foresee the terror which reigns now in the Temple of Mel' Kaan and I do not dare to imagine what it occurred in the Fortress of Pandora.

I listen into my dreams soldiers tired and wounded still fighting on the top of the walls of the High Rising Citadel.

Is any hope lost?


The time of the new Heroes came. Equipped with larger capacities, more dangerous, more impressive, they are coming!
These men will stand up like the last rampart against Chaos.
The demons will taste to their new power on the battle fields and they will learn how to fear the warriors of MASTERIES !

Will you be among these brave men?

It is with much joy that I announce to you the nearest arrival of Lilith The Will of Demon : Battles of Jalavia Masteries Edition!

With the occult sciences of Shadow Lich and the good advices of INSANE, fusion of Lilith and the extraordinary Masteries became a reality

A new sun will rise on Jalavia with MASTERIES as powerful as the Titans!
Completely new, this MOD will give months of game with exceptional combinations

A graphical interface will guide you to install Lilith easily

- Download the file SetupLilithMasteries11.exe
- Download the file LilithMasteriesDifficultyChanger.exe
- Download the file
- Download the file

- Double click the SetupLilithMasteries11 and read the messages
Note : Language selection will automatically setup Lilith in French, in English, in German and in Italian
All others language will install Lilith in English.

- Choose your difficulty: 1 is easiest and 7 hardest (see above for more explanation).

- Lilith Masteries Edition will be automatically installed in My Documents/My Games/Titan Quest ' Immortal Throne / CustomMaps folder

- Unzip (Allskin Mod) in the Database folder of TQIT (the game) : [drive letter]:\[path where TQIT is installed]\Database
(after unzip you will have [tqfolder]\database\Creatures\pc -> with male and female folder inside)

- Unzip in the Database folder of TQ (the game) ! NOT TQIT ! : [drive letter]:\[path where TQ is installed]\Database
(after unzip you will have [TQfolder]\database\ and a few files (6) .tex and one file .ssh)

- Launch TQ-IT >> Custom Quest and choose LilithMasteries ~ Jalavia

- Enjoy :-)


Nom : Mostal  Site : Mostal Courriel :  



Ajouté le : 13/10/2008 à 20:10:11 Dernière modification le : 13/10/2008 à 20:10:11


Lilith The Will of Demon 1.1 Masteries Edition - Taille : 648.62 MB - Téléchargé 1416198 fois
Lilith Masteries - Difficulty Changer - Taille : 12.96 MB - Téléchargé 30778 fois
AllSkin Mod Creature - Taille : 33.04 MB - Téléchargé 22527 fois
Masteries FX - Taille : 0.03 MB - Téléchargé 14743 fois